A fair bit happening here at Conspiracy HQ.
Pleased to announce that The Foundation will be available as a series of 1s and 0s from 11 September 2014, from all good e-book retailers. I’ve still got a bit of work to do on it, and the art department is still running on their little hamster wheel to get us a cover, but more about that later.
The good news is you don’t have to wait! Head here to read all about it and click on your favourite ebook retailer, to pre-order a copy. So, come release date, the good oil will be delivered through the intertubes straight to your device. You don’t get convenience like that every day.
In other news, today the July 14 issue of The Victorian Writer Magazine was released, featuring an article by yours truly. Go here to buy it, but if you’re really just after my bit the kind people at Writers’ Victoria have agreed to let me PDF it for the website. How’s that, first post and there’s already giveaways! You can have a read here.